Prime Minister Julia Gillard will tour eight marginal western Sydney seats next week. Source: AAP
PRIME Minister Julia Gillard will next week pitch her government's plan for jobs, education and innovation to voters in western Sydney, taking in some of the nation's most marginal seats.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott on Tuesday tried to pre-empt Ms Gillard's mini-campaign in the former Labor heartland, saying voters want an end to the carbon tax and action on living costs.
With just under six months to go before the next federal election, the latest Newspoll published on Tuesday gives the coalition a 55-45 lead in the two-party vote.
This points to an emphatic win for Mr Abbott if an election were held now, and echoes last week's Nielsen poll.
Ms Gillard will spend five days next week in eight marginal western Sydney seats, six of which are held by Labor and two that the government needs to take from the Liberals.
Her tour starts with a speech at the University of Western Sydney on Sunday.
Federal cabinet will also meet in the area, while Ms Gillard will answer voters' questions in social media forums and visit local communities.
The visit comes at a critical time, after polling by JWS Research earlier this year found Labor faces a 12 per cent swing against it in NSW marginal seats - potentially a loss of 10 seats - making it the most at-risk zone for the government.
Industry Minister Greg Combet said Ms Gillard would be explaining how the government would support jobs.
"Ultimately, that is what matters," Mr Combet told reporters in Adelaide.
Asked about Ms Gillard's trip, Mr Abbott, who visited western Sydney last month, told the prime minister: "Good on you."
"But what western Sydney wants is not a visit. Western Sydney wants a plan," he said in Rockhampton, Queensland.
Labor councillor Leo Kelly, who serves the city of Blacktown in the heart of the western suburbs, said Ms Gillard may have left her visit too late.
"From what I hear generally, it could be - it could be a bit late," he told AAP.
Mr Kelly says residents want to know how federal Labor will address cost-of-living pressures and bolster financial support for education and transport.
Greens leader Christine Milne said the prime minister needed to explain why she was cutting support for single parents, with many moved to lower Newstart benefits.
NSW Labor senator Doug Cameron said the western Sydney visit was crucial.
"We're in a bit of trouble in western Sydney, but we've just got to cut through the nonsense that's been perpetuated by the coalition on a range of our policy issues," he said.
On the polls, Labor frontbencher Simon Crean said Labor needed to be more "courageous".
"With those figures, we clearly can't win," he told reporters in Melbourne.
"But that's not where we expect to be in September."
Independent senator Nick Xenophon warned the polls were a "funeral notice" for Labor.
"The voters haven't so much got baseball bats behind their backs waiting for the election ... some of them almost have a nuclear missile," he said.
The election will be held on September 14.