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Rudd could push for an early ETS

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 27 Juni 2013 | 13.00

AS the dust settles after the Labor leadership spill, climate observers are wondering what the future holds for Australia's carbon price under a Rudd government. The change in leadership - coupled with the departure of Climate Change Minister...
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Samsung puts curve in new televisions

SAMSUNG Electronics is rolling out a curved TV that uses an advanced display called OLED. Samsung said on Thursday the 55-inch TV will sell for 15 million won (about $A14,000) in South Korea. That is more than five times expensive than LCD televisions...
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Man dead, another injured in Vic crash

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 23 Juni 2013 | 13.00

POLICE continue to investigate a fatal crash in northern Victoria which has left one teenager dead and another seriously injured. A Holden Commodore sedan was reportedly travelling westwards along the Toolamba-Rushworth Road, near Winter Road,...
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China furious at US spy's phone hack claim

Whistleblower Edward Snowden says the US is hacking Chinese mobile phone companies. Source: AAP CHINA has attacked the United States as an espionage "villain" after former spy Edward Snowden raised new allegations about the far-reaching extent...
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